Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy v-day! Skip a shower!

According to research at UC Berkeley, men's sweat contains chemistry that cause sexual arousal in women.
So to make your v-day happier, skip a show today.
Berkey Research

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Google, Microsoft, and Intel

On Monday, Intel shows off its 80 brain processors, which will be available for commercial use in five years. Great. But what do we do with so much power? Software development has been behind the processor for a long time so that Intel has to put up its own investment into software companies via Intel Capital.
We have paid too much attention on how Google's and others' web application will change the desktop software landscape dominated by Microsoft so that we forgot the impact on Intel. If I spend 90% of my time within a web browser, why do I need a duo core machine?