Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Qihoo vs. Yahoo China -- Hongyi Zhou vs. Yun Ma AGAIN

Qihoo has announced its free anti-virus software 360 Safe has uninstalled Yahoo China's tool bar Yahoo Assistant (formally known as 3721) 26 million times. Zhou believes 3721 is a form of mal-ware and publicly admitted he introduced mal-ware into China and he wants to correct his mistake now by removing them.

For me, it is just the same as somebody robs and demolishes your house and now come back to offer, "pay me and rebuild it for you."

Remember, Zhou sold 3721 to Yahoo USD 100 million and now builds his new business on removing them.

If Zhou really shows his sincere attitude, I suggest him donate 10 million dollars to a third party researching on internet security.


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